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Klercide Low Residue Quat Metered Dose Concentrate

A very low residue quaternary ammonium compound. The biocide blend is 0.2 micron filtered and filled and single bagged in a cleanroom environment. A daily disinfectant concentrate, to be diluted at a 1:49 ratio, with low residue accumulation effect for large surfaces.


Bactericide Yeasticide Virucide
EN 1276 EN 13697 RKI / DVV
EN 13697 EN 1650
EN 16615 EN 16615

Ordering Information

Description Unit Size Unit of Sale Country Order Code
Filtered Low Residue Quat Capped 5.0 Litre 2 x 5.0 L DE, FR, GB, NL, TR 6600074
Filtered Low Residue Quat Capped 5.0 Litre 2 x 5.0 L BG, CZ, GR, HR, HU, RO, RS, RU, SI, SK 6600048
Filtered Low Residue Quat Capped 5.0 Litre 2 x 5.0 L 6600075
Filtered Low Residue Quat Capped 5.0 Litre 2 x 5.0 L DK, EE, FI, LT, LV, NO, PL, SE 6600049
Filtered Low Residue Quat Capped 5.0 Litre 2 x 5.0 L ES, IT, PT 6600047
25 ml Dose Pump 1 x 2 pumps GB 10053029
Filtered Low Residue Quat Capped 5.0 Litre 2 x 5.0 L IT 6600612
Filtered Low Residue Quat Capped 5.0 Litre 2 x 5.0 L TR 6600747
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Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

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