
Take Control of Small Surface Decontamination with Klerwipe™

Annex 1 compliant wipes, now with Validex™ independent validation data

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Effectively Manage Contamination Risk in Your Most Critical Areas

Ecolab’s Klerwipe range is a high quality solution for small surface cleaning, allowing you to effectively manage contamination risk in these critical areas with a reliable, repeatable process.


High grade, ready-to-use wipes for small surfaces


Uniform application for reproducible results


Now with Validex™ independent validation data package

Klerwipe™ Annex 1 Compliant Small Surface Wipes

Consistent application

uniform dosage

Ready to use

pre-impregnated wipes

Easy to open

with Klertear technology


Double or triple bagged

Easy to store

with hanging hook

Low particulate

for controlled use

Small Features that Offer Big Benefits

  1. Laser cut edges
  2. Non-woven polyester cellulose material
  3. Evenly pre-impregnated for uniform dosage

A Validated Solution

Ecolab have further developed their Validex™ program to include the assessment of wipes, aligning with the Annex 1 update that states how:
‘disinfectants should be validated in the specific manner in which they are used.’

EudraLex Vol 4. Annex 1 4.34

Klerwipe™ Annex 1 Compliant Small Surface Wipes

Klerwipe™ 70 | 30 IPA

Klerwipe™ 70 | 30 Denatured Ethanol

Klerwipe™ Sporicidal Low Residue Peroxide

Klerwipe™ Low Residue Quat

Klerwipe™ Sporicidal Enhanced Peroxide

Klerwipe™ Neutral Detergent

Contact Us

With unparalleled expertise and cutting-edge technology, we partner with customers to deliver world-class results and optimized operations.

Contact us to learn how we can help you.


1 Ecolab Place
St. Paul, MN 55102


Hofwiesenstrasse 349
CH-8050 Zürich
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Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

All products may not be available in all countries; please contact your local Ecolab Life Sciences representative for more information.